Dr Kambiz Silani & the Beverly Hills Optometry team are proud and honored to host a Dry Eye Spa Day at Facebook LA. Through our concierge health and wellness program, our team provides a 5-star experience offering premiere eye care services and premium eye care products for corporate events. Our vision is to connect to with our patients and this aligns with Facebook's vision to connect people. We will continue to spread the message about the importance of preventive medicine and patient education on preventive eye care.
What is the one sense you would never live without? The sense of sight (most will answer). Interestingly, if we look after our eyes from a young age, we can avoid a number of eye related symptoms and conditions (i.e. eyelash loss, oil gland atrophy, styes, eye fatique, redness, dry eyes, vision loss, etc). From a young age, we are taught proper dental hygiene, it's equally critical that we discuss eye and eyelid hygiene technique. With information at our fingertips and a world full of visual wonders, it's amazing how reliant we become on our eyes and how easily we take them for granted. We use our eyes to interpret, absorb and filter the our surroundings, let's give them some love.
For more information on Beverly Hills Optometry and concierge eye care, please visit, http://www.bheyeguy.com.