
Upneeq - A Novel, Nonsurgical Approach to Treating Droopy Eyelids

Jun 15, 2020

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Upneeq - A Novel, Nonsurgical Approach to Treating Droopy Eyelids

What is Ptosis?

Ptosis is defined as abnormal drooping of either right and/or left upper eyelid that usually occurs from a partial or complete dysfunction of the muscles that elevate the upper eyelid – the levator palpebrae and the Müller’s muscle.

Types of Ptosis:

This condition may be 1) acquired (patients that develop the condition usually due to aging) or 2) congenital (patients born with condition) – severity depends on extent of eyelid droop.

Signs & Symptoms:

Many patients with ptosis report one or more of the following due to the droop eyelid(s): 1) sleepy appearance, 2) asymmetric appearance between the eyes, 3) reduced visual field, & 4) blocked pupil.


Until now, the main treatment available was surgical intervention to alleviate patients' signs & symptoms of either acquired or congenital ptosis.

RVL Pharmaceuticals has developed the first & only FDA approved Rx treatment, Upneeq, for acquired blepharoptosis aka "droopy eyelid" using a rapid acting once-daily sterile & preservative-free eye drop delivering clinically meaningful efficacy. In the trial, the onset of the drop was statistically significant at 15 minutes, although many patients responded as early as 5 minutes.

How does the Upneeq work?

The first-in-class treatment called RVL-1201 is an ophthalmic formulation of oxymetazoline, a direct-acting α-adrenergic receptor agonist, which when administered to the eye is believed to selectively target Müller’s muscle and elevate the upper eyelid.

Who will benefit from Upneeq?

Indicated for patients with mild, moderate or severe acquired ptosis who may experience various levels of visual impairment.