
OptiLight Intense Pulse Light (IPL) & Dry Eye/MGD

Oct 26, 2021

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OptiLight Intense Pulse Light (IPL) & Dry Eye/MGD

In a multi-center, double-blind study, Lumenis recently received FDA approval of its OptiLight with Intense Pulse Light (IPL). This joins a long list of clinical studies showing its safety and efficacy.  

Our dry eye patients embrace this novel and modern approach to managing their condition(s). Since dry eye disease is a multi-factorial disease, we need a treatment option that provides a multi-factorial solution. In our practice, OptiLight has become a foundational treatment option to give patients' lasting relief. 

How Does it Work?

1. OptiLight breaks the dry eye vicious cycle of inflammation by reducing major sources of inflammation leading to dry eye disease such as abnormal blood vessels, Demodex mites, and pro-inflammatory agents.

2. OptiLight restores the function of meibomian glands and improves tear break up time.

What Should I Expect?

The treatment protocol typically consists of 4 sessions, about 2 to 4 weeks apart:.

    • During treatment, the doctor will cover the patient's eyes with pads over the eyelids OR corneal shields. After the eyes are protected, a thin layer of coupling gel is applied to the treatment area.
    • During the treatment, light is applied on the skin around the eyes, most patients report minimal or no discomfort.
    • OptiLight is usually followed by meibomian gland expression.
    • Each session takes approximately 10-15 minutes.
    • There is commonly no downtime and patients often resume their daily activities immediately after their treatment session.
    • Patients typically report improvement after 2 to 3 treatments. For optimal results, 4 sessions are advised.
    • Maintenance sessions depend on the duration, severity, and frequency of symptoms but are usually recommended every 3-6 months.

Who is a candidate for Optilight?

You may benefit from OptiLight if you have symptoms such as dryness, grittiness, watery eyes, lid infections, sties, red eyes, eye fatigue, itchy eyes, and fluctuating or blurry vision. Additionally, ask about OptiLight, if you have been diagnosed with one or more of the following: dry eye disease, MGD, blepharitis, ocular rosacea, chalazion, or hordeolum.