
The Power of OptiLight IPL + OptiPLUS RF

Aug 13, 2024

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The Power of OptiLight IPL + OptiPLUS RF

Dr Silani’s recent personal journey with a chronic Chalazion and the power of OptiLight IPL + OptiPlus Dual Frequency RF. The images shown are spaced about a week apart with combination of IPL/RF performed at each visit. The chalazion fully resolved after 3 sessions but a 4th treatment was completed to lock-in the benefits.

Despite the use of at-home therapies (such as warm compresses, Omega-3 supplements, and eyelid hygiene) as well as pharmaceutical options (ie oral and topical antibiotics/steroids), this stubborn chalazion only fully resolved when we added our modern office-based procedures and advanced protocols at Beverly Hills Optometry!

Side note: Dr Silani was weeks away from considering surgical intervention but he is grateful the chalazion healed non-surgically.

For patients with chalazion/chalazia/hordeolum, here are the FOUR most common ways to address the condition(s): 

1) At-home products (eyelid hygiene, warm compress, omega-3 oral supplement, etc), 

2) Topical/oral medications such as antibiotics/steroids (which may carry higher side effects), 

3) Office-based procedures such as BlephEx, OptiLight, thermal pulsation/expression which are easy, gentle, have no downtime,

4) Referral for surgical intervention such as steroid injection or excision (which may carry higher side effects). 

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