At Beverly Hills Optometry, we focus on quality to ensure patients are receiving the highest level of care with regards to their treatments as well as their outcomes.
During their visits, our patients happily report that they receive ample chair time with our doctors. Most importantly, all office-based procedures are customized and performed by one of our highly trained doctors. Our goal is to ensure that our patients are properly diagnosed and understand their condition(s). We do our best to educate and empower our patients so they make the most informed decision about their treatment care.
Since 2013, we continue to invest in modern diagnostic and therapeutic devices as well as stay up-to-date with the latest dry eye studies.
As a bonus, our advanced dry eye center has been recognized as one of the top practices in the nation and even featured in Newsweek, the Doctor Show, Fox News, NBC news, REFINERY29, LA Magazine, and more.
If you feel that we are the right fit, our talented, friendly, compassionate and experienced team will be ready to serve you. Get the care that you need and deserve at Beverly Hills Optometry: Advanced Dry Eye Center.
Feel free to watch/read some of our video testimonials and read our written reviews at We also have a 24/7 concierge line (310-659-2020) for new or returning patients to call or text.
We will continue to share frequent blogs and updates about our practice and news in eye care (IG: @beverlyhillsoptometrydryeye).
We look forward to having you visit our office. Any additional questions can be answer during your consult or initial visit by booking here,